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Could means testing reduce Social Security benefits?

One such option to achieve that goal is means testing. Means testing is the concept of distributing benefits to retirees based on need. Now there are different ways means testing could play out. Lawmakers could decide that seniors above a certain income level might see their Social Security benefits reduced.

Should Social Security be tested?

Advocates argue that means testing would reduce costs to the Social Security program. But such a move could have serious unintended consequences, including erosion of public support for Social Security, savings disincentives during working years, and administrative complexity.

Should Social Security be a means-testing program?

Americans understand that Social Security is their money, not the government’s, and they hold that view irrespective of their political affiliation or their financial situation at retirement. Means-testing Social Security would break faith with the American worker, would be unfair and would undermine public support for the program.

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